Sign In Processes

SmarterProctoring supports multiple sign in methods. The traditional method is to sign in via an institution's learning management system (LMS). Alternatively, you can also sign in at the SmarterProctoring website.

Learning Management System Sign In Process

LMS sign in events are as easy as clicking the SmarterProctoring link within your LMS. Our LTI integrations handle everything for you, so you don't have to keep up with separate logins.

See our documents on setting up your learning management system access.

SmarterProctoring Website Sign In Process

SmarterProctoring can issue you a password that allows you to sign in from our website. Once you have a password, then you can sign in via

If you currently use a LMS to connect to SmarterProctoring, then you can still register to receive a password. You'll still be able to use SmarterProctoring from within your LMS.

Instructors please take note that we may be unable to contact your LMS for exam information, when you sign in with this method. We're working on improving this experience. We recommend signing in via your LMS when you're creating exams.


Registering is easy.

  1. Open
  2. Click the Sign Up button.
  3. Select your role within SmarterProctoring. If you are both an instructor and a student, then you may register as either. We'll figure it out. 
  4. SmarterProctoring will send you a welcome email. If you don't have a password, then we'll send you a temporary password. If you already have a password, then we'll remind you that you've already registered.
  5. You can now sign in to SmarterProctoring by entering your Email Address, Password and pressing the Sign In button.
  6. When you sign in with a temporary password, then you'll be prompted to change it.

Signing Into SmarterProctoring

  1. Open
  2. Enter your Email Address and Password, and then press the Sign In button.

Have You Forgotten Password?

That's okay.

  1. Open
  2. Click the Forgot Password link underneath the Password box.
  3. Enter your Email Address and press the Reset Password button. We'll send you a temporary password.
  4. When you sign in with a temporary password, then you'll be prompted to change it.